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Adjustments disorders

Oct 3

1 min read




Adapting to changes…could be a big deal!

Certain variations in behavioral patterns are visible or invisible in most humans. It is not abnormal to have variations. There can be subtle challenge in adjustment with something new in life. They come and go at different ages with varying situations.

 However what one needs to check for is persistent challenges in performing daily tasks, insomnia, concentration problems, worry, anxiety, easily getting distracted or even irritability. In case of constant or prolonged symptoms, one needs to wake up to it. Adjustment disorders are mental health conditions that lead to maladaptive responses to stress.

People with adjustment disorders have difficulty adapting to new situations, and their responses to such problems are disproportionate to the stressors and interfere with day-to-day activities. Adjustment disorders can also be called situational depression. They could be caused because of death of a loved one, relationship conflicts, job loss, financial issues, retirement etc.

The effects could be short term or life long, thus impacting in the form of insomnia, social detachments, marital issues, inability to perform at work, substance abuse, difficulty in focusing, and in extreme cases leading to bi-polar disorders, self-harm and suicidal tendency

Remedy Early intervention and treatment is the core factor.

This can be done by either getting rid of the stressor, Psychological therapy that helps in coping and adaptation, and Medication (in severe cases) with behavioral therapy.

Changes in life are inevitable… Acceptance, and allowing oneself to see the brighter side makes everything possible and simpler :)


Oct 3

1 min read





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